More Magic & Fewer Meltdowns: Tips For Trick-Or-Treating Parents

Blister abound, sugar levels soar, dehydration ensues, and next thing you know, what started as a fun, festive night feels more like a ghoulish nightmare.

The uncomfortable truth is that Halloween costumes are often flimsy and lack the insulation needed to stave off a brisk autumn chill. Kids’ candy bags can quickly become over-stuffed to the point of creating a cascade of candy-and tears-as the evening wears on.

Before you turn into a witch or a warlock, parents, remember, the key to enjoying All Hallows’ Eve is as simple as rallying the troops in advance, going over your expectations, and getting prepared for anything that might go amiss. Here are some tips from a mom who has literally been around the block a few times:

Split into age groups. Have one parent take one age group and the other parent take the other age group. Tweens like to run in packs and they move fast, so wear sneakers and layers you can lose, if you plan on keeping up with them. Toddlers and preschoolers may dawdle or tire quickly, so choose the more patient parent to accompany them. Or consider taking two shifts, one earlier in the evening for younger kids and another later in the evening for older kids, trading off who stays home to hand out candy.

Wear a backpack. Maybe it seems extreme to gear up as though you are going for an overnight hike just to walk a few blocks around the neighborhood. But the weather is fickle this time of year, and once you grab everything you need for a pleasant evening, you will be amazed by how much stuff you have to tote. And don’t be surprised if your kids shed pieces of their costumes as the excitement heats up. A shoulder bag may feel fine for the first fifteen minutes of the night, but after two-hours, you will likely wish you had brought the backpack.

Invest in warm & dry. Your evening could end prematurely if there is a sudden windstorm or rain shower. If your kids have on enough layers of tights and long underwear underneath their costumes, they won’t falter even if they get a little wet. And if you are walking with a young child or children, bring a large umbrella, and keep a couple of compact umbrellas in your pack for older kids who will say they won’t need them, but then might.

Eat a high-protein dinner. ‘Tis the season for over-indulging in sugar, which means it’s more important than any other time of year to emphasize three healthy high-protein meals a day. Be sure to give your kids limits on how much sugar they may consume between meals. Take their candy away and mete it out yourself if they don’t comply with your limits or can’t seem to wean themselves off the sugar roller coaster.

Practice their refrains. Commit to making the night pleasant for all. “Trick-or-treat!” and “Thank you!” are the only things young children need to be able to say their first couple of years out. But encourage older children to be more cordial especially to the older folks in the ‘hood, who will likely opt out altogether if they are offended by enough poorly behaved kids. How about making a chorus of “Happy Halloween!” or “Have a great night!” mandatory before the kids run off to the next house?

Be prepared. Plastic and paper bags for treats are out. They are the most likely to rip or tear. Pillowcases are better, but these too may split open when stuffed. So whatever you do, don’t let the kids use your good set. Whatever they carry, stuff a few extra bags in your backpack in case you need replacements. Also carry band-aids for blisters, water for hydration, and cash on hand in case you come across a food cart selling something you might enjoy. And, of course, don’t forget the camera.

Aim for the middle. If you are driving to another neighborhood to walk with a friend or friends, consider parking your vehicle in the middle of the neighborhood instead of on the edge or back at the friend’s house. This way, if you need to make an early exit for any reason, you’ll be that much closer to your escape car. When bringing along very young children with older children consider bringing along a stroller or wagon. Even if the kids insist they don’t need one, they might want one later after exhaustion sets in.

Use social sense. No one likes to feel left out, so encourage your kids to invite new or shy kids who might not already be part of a group to join you. Or, if you know that you will all have a better time if it’s just you and your kids, don’t feel bad about breaking off from a group.

Halloween is a great opportunity to teach kids about doing what works best for your family rather than always going along with the crowd. On the other hand, if there is a crowd you need to keep up with, now you will be ready. Happy Halloween!

Story by

Christina Katz


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